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European Parliament endorsed a call for an EU geothermal strategy

European Parliament endorsed a call for an EU geothermal strategy


The European Parliament's Plenary voted on the 18th of January 2024 the resolution to support a European geothermal energy strategy. The initiative report with a resolution was led by Professor Krasnodębski MEP from the European Conservatives & Reformist Group (ECR). 


531 of the 553 Members of the European Parliament present (96%) voted in favour of the resolution with 20 abstentions and 2 voting against. The resolution calls notably for:

  • A European strategy for geothermal energy to reduce administrative burdens and aid investments in buildings, industry and agricultural sectors across the Union.  
  • A Geothermal Industrial Alliance to fast-track best practices and the effective implementation of legislation. 
  • A harmonised financial risk mitigation insurance scheme.  
  • Encourage Member States to design national strategies for geothermal like those by the French, German, Polish, Austrian, Croatian and Irish governments.  
  • Support regions in transition and coal regions to transition to geothermal.  

The voted text is now officially available for consultation here