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Dublin 1:50k bedrock map release

Dublin 1:50k bedrock map release


​​The Geological Mapping programme are releasing a new 1:50k map package of the Dublin area. This new map covers 1:50k sheet 50 and part of sheet 43.  The point and attribute data of this map was originally compiled during the GeoUrban project and has now been brought to a style and standard to be part of the 1:50k mapping programme.

This data package contains the bedrock geology polygons and linework, structural symbols, outcrop description and drillholes. The bedrock polygons and linework are linked to the full geological lexicon to provide detailed stratigraphic information. 

The drillholes compiled within this data-package have contributed to the new Verified Drillholes layer. This layer contains direct links to online drill logs of the relevant hole, providing spatial and geological information on everydrillhole.

The Northeastern Block and North Midlands Block have been updated to include the links to logs from the ​​Verified Drillholes layer.