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DIAS and Geological Survey Ireland Launch Quake Shake

DIAS and Geological Survey Ireland Launch Quake Shake


Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) and Geological Survey Ireland are encouraging the next wave of 'citizen seismologists' through a new programme – Quake Shake – which was launched today (06.11.23).


Seismology is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and around the Earth. This new outreach programme is calling on people of all ages across Ireland to get involved in observing and studying local and global earthquakes – helping them to develop a better understanding of what lies beneath the Earth's surface.


Quake Shake uses devices known as a Raspberry Shake seismometer. These devices are connected to the internet, allowing real-time monitoring of earthquakes. Raspberry Shakes can detect low magnitude local Irish earthquakes as well as large magnitude earthquakes originating from around the globe. Quake Shake will use additional seismic data from the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN) to develop teaching resources and to provide engagement with current seismological research in Ireland.


Commenting on the launch of Quake Shake, Professor Chris Bean, Head of Geophysics at DIAS, said, "Quake Shake represents a significant stride towards inclusive ways of engaging with how the Earth works. With DIAS and Geological Survey Ireland's joint funding, we are empowering communities to actively achieve a greater appreciation of the dynamism of our planet."


Koen Verbruggen, Director of Geological Survey Ireland, added, "This initiative aligns with Geological Survey Ireland's commitment to promoting the understanding and application of geology in Ireland. Quake Shake holds the promise of not just educating but inspiring the next generation of scientists."


The newly launched Quake Shake website features information about recent earthquakes, tailored exercises for teachers and students and an interactive quiz reinforcing key concepts in seismology. Quake Shake aims to spark interest in physics, mathematics, and geoscience at all levels, as well as nurturing curiosity in higher-level Earth Sciences.


More information on how to become a citizen seismologist and how to join the Quake Shake community is available by emailing