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UCD School of Geography Seminar Series - Dr Xavier Monteys (Geological Survey Ireland)

UCD School of Geography Seminar Series - Dr Xavier Monteys (Geological Survey Ireland)

UCD School of Geography Seminar Series - Dr Xavier Monteys (Geological Survey Ireland)
31/03/2022 15:00
31/03/2022 16:00
How to attend:


Geological Survey Ireland monitors and analyses changes to Ireland’s coastline and combines oceanographic, hydrological and topographic information to anticipate how the coast may respond to future conditions. This information supports environmental, infrastructure, planning and coastal management decisions. Geological Survey Ireland is mapping the Irish coast and producing a national coastal vulnerability assessment motivated by expected accelerated sea level rise (SLR) using a Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI). Geological Survey Ireland quantifies coastal change by calculating trends in erosion or accretion over time by applying Remote Sensing technologies in innovative ways to advance our understanding of coastal systems and their hazards. It participates in the European Space Agency’s Coastal Erosion from Space project to develop innovative Earth observation products to support the assessment of coastal erosion.

More information here.