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62nd Irish Geological Research Meeting 2019

62nd Irish Geological Research Meeting 2019

01-03 March 2019
University College Dublin
How to attend:

General admission is free but requires registration. Register on EventbriteRegistration closes on Monday 18 February 2019.

​The Irish Geological Research Meeting (IGRM) is an all-Island annual event. This year, IGRM is hosted by University College Dublin, and will take place from 1-3 March 2019. 

Abstract submission is open until 11 February 2019, contributions from researchers based in Ireland or anyone else working on any aspect of the geoscience of Ireland are welcome!

Registration is open until 18 February 2019 and admission to the conference is free.   

The conference starts on Friday 1 March at 2pm with a joint Trinity College Dublin-UCD seminar titled 'Oceanic Anoxic Events 40 years on: the search for feedbacks' by Professor Hugh Jenkyns (University of Oxford).

This is followed by a workshop on the 'Application of multiple sulphur isotopes in geochemistry' given by Professor James Farquhar (University of Maryland).

On Friday evening, the keynote lecture sponsored by GSI will be given by Professor Paul Wignall (University of Leeds) on 'Mass extinctions and supercontinents', and the keynote on Saturday evening will be given by Professor Rachel Wood (University of Edinburgh) on 'What controlled carbonate mineralogy through geological time?'

More details on the programme, registration and abstract submission are available on the IGRM 2019 website:  

To register for the conference, workshop, keynote talks and conference dinner please go to: