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'Diamond Prospectivity in Northernmost Ireland' by Barry Long

'Diamond Prospectivity in Northernmost Ireland' by Barry Long

'Diamond Prospectivity in Northernmost Ireland' by Barry Long
23/10/2019 17:30
23/10/2019 19:30
Lecture Theatre, Geological Survey Ireland, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4
Lecture Theatre, GSI

All welcome

How to attend:

​The next IGA lecture will be presented by Barry Long (Scientific Visitor, retired member of staff of Geological Survey Ireland) on 'Diamond Prospectivity in Northernmost Ireland'.


Could diamonds be present in northernmost Ireland? How can they be searched for? Has there already been any serious exploration? What have we, in Ireland, learned from countries that do mine diamonds? Where does Ireland stand at present with regard to diamond potential? All will be revealed. Come and find out what is known.

Lecture between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Coffee and biscuits will be available from 5:30 pm. 

All welcome, amateur,  professional, non-member or member.