Geoscience2023 - Geoscience for a better future.
07/11/2023 08:30
07/11/2023 19:00
Printworks Conference Centre, Dublin Castle
Printworks Conference Centre,
Event Attendance Instructions
Please follow the link below
Geoscience2023 - Geoscience for a better future.
The annual Geological Survey Ireland conference will be back in Dublin Castle on Tuesday, 7 November 2023.
The theme this year is Geoscience for a better future and will feature developments by Geological Survey Ireland and their partners in geothermal, water, minerals, and coastal.
Registration and information are available here:
8:30 am: Registration and refreshments.
9:30 am – 9:40 am:
| Welcome by Koen Verbruggen, Director, Geological Survey Ireland. |
9:40 am - 10:00 am:
| Opening of Meeting by Phillip Nugent, Assistant Secretary, Dept. of the Environment, Climate and Communications.
10:00 am – 11:20 am: Session 1. Coastal Change. Session chair: Charise McKeon, Geological Survey Ireland.
| Xavier Monteys, Geological Survey Ireland
| Glenn Nolan, Marine Institute
| Patrick Fournet, Met Éireann
| Niamh Cullen, DCU
| Kevin Motherway, CARO
11:20 am – 11:40 am: Morning Coffee/Posters
11:40 am – 1 pm: Session 2. Geothermal. Session chair: Siobhán Power, Geological Survey Ireland.
| Sarah Blake, Geological Survey Ireland
| Mark Geraghty, TU Dublin
| Rob Raine, GSNI
| Ian Devlin, Geoscience Policy Division, DECC
| Rory Dunphy, Geoserv |
1 pm to 2 pm: Lunch/Posters.
2 pm – 3:20 pm: Session 3. Groundwater. Session chair: Taly Hunter-Williams, Geological Survey Ireland.
| Monica Lee, Geological Survey Ireland
| Barry Deane, National Federation of Group Water Schemes
| Conor Quinlan, EPA Climate Services
| Ted McCormack, Geological Survey Ireland
| Margaret Keegan, Local Authorities Water Programme |
3:20 pm – 3:40 pm: Afternoon Coffee/Posters.
3:40 pm – 5 pm: Session 4. Minerals. Session chair: Sophie O’Connor, Geological Survey Ireland.
| Eoin McGrath, Geological Survey Ireland
| John Wickham, DHLGH
| Ruairi O’Carroll, CDM Smith
| Marc Devereux, Wicklow County Council
| Andreas Leemann, EMPA, Swiss Federation Research Labs
| Mairéad Fitzsimons, Geoscience Policy Division, DECC
5 pm – 6 pm: Close of meeting by Oonagh Buckley, Secretary General, Dept. of the Environment, Climate and
Communications, final poster session.
List of posters available here or throught the QR code below.