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43rd Annual International Association of Hydrogeologists Irish Group Groundwater Conference

43rd Annual International Association of Hydrogeologists Irish Group Groundwater Conference

IAH Annual Conference 2023
18/04/2023 08:30
19/04/2023 14:00
Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Tullamore, Co. Offaly

Register via Eventbrite HERE

How to attend:

International Association of Hydrogeologists

2023 Annual Conference Details

The programme for the 43rd annual IAH Irish Group groundwater conference: “Groundwater & Planning” has been finalised. Please find the conference programme link below.

The 43rd annual IAH Irish Group groundwater conference: “Groundwater & Planning”, will be held in the Tullamore Court Hotel on April 18th and 19th, 2023.

The overarching theme of this year’s conference is Groundwater and Planning. We will have a range of talks offering insights, reflections, guidance and experience on this important topic. Some speakers will offer practical perspectives and experiences on issues related to groundwater and planning – covering case and site studies, as well as insights into complexities of groundwater behaviour in particular environments; others will offer insights from a legal and regulatory perspective that will be invaluable to practitioners; and we will be looking at the topic from an all island perspective.

The early career hydrogeologists will present posters and our keynote speakers will cover larger groundwater issues and topics. This will be our first in person meeting since 2019 and we are really looking forward to meeting old colleagues and new colleagues in Tullamore.

The programme is being finalised and we’ll be updating our website as we get closer to the event.

Please register here: 

The IAH (Irish Group) gratefully acknowledge the support of the sponsors of the 2023 Annual Conference: