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2023 Geothermal Webinar Series - Imaging Subsurface Geology Using Gravity Measurements From the Air

2023 Geothermal Webinar Series - Imaging Subsurface Geology Using Gravity Measurements From the Air

2023 Geothermal Webinar Series - Imaging Subsurface Geology Using Gravity Measurements From the Air
14/12/2023 16:00
14/12/2023 17:00
How to attend:
Hosted by Geological Survey of Northern Ireland.
This is the ninth webinar in their 2023 Geothermal Webinar Series.

Webinar Speaker:
Dr. Gary Barnes, Chief Scientist, Metatek

Gravity measurements on the Earth's surface have a long history for providing information about the underlying geology. Rock formations with different densities give changes in the gravitational pull and a gravity map can therefore help in many geothermal exploration programs.

In the last 30 years, gravity gradiometry has became an important exploration tool as it provides the means to produce high resolution gravity maps from an airborne survey. This has been a game changer as much larger areas can be surveyed more quickly and cost effectively, whilst delivering an unprecedented level of geological detail.

Gravity gradiometry survey is proving itself a useful technique for geothermal exploration, where the data can be used to locate prospective areas or to map geological structures to better understand geothermal systems and their distribution.
This talk will introduce gravity gradiometry technology and show how airborne surveys can help solve a variety of geological challenges.

You can register via Eventbrite HERE.

You can access the previous talks from this excellent webinar series, as well as previous years', via the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland's (GSNI) YouTube channel HERE.