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​​​​​​​​​​​​​Quaternary data and ​ maps available include Geomorphology and Sediments, All Ireland 500k Quaternary map, IQUAD map packages and 3D models of Dublin City and Cork City.


Physiographic Units

Quaternary Geomorphology

Quaternary Sediments

All Ireland Quaternary Map 500k

IQUAD Quaternary Map Packages

3D Geological Models


Physiographic Units

Physiographic maps are cartographic representations of the broad-scale physical landscape units of a region, and physiographic units consist of physical regions showing internal uniformity with respect to one or more environmental attributes, which are clearly differentiated from neighbouring regions.

The three tier classification scheme shows a number of hierarchical landscape divisions, different levels of which will be used by different end users depending on the level of detail required.

Data Download

Physiographic Units Zip file

Physiographic Units Map of Ireland Report

Physiographic Units Maps of Ireland pdf

Map ViewerLink to viewer
​​Web Services

Physiographic Units Level 1 REST Service

Physiographic Units L​evel 2 REST Service

Physiographic ​Units Level 3 REST Service



Quaternary Geomorphology

The Quaternary geology of Ireland – Geomorphology Map is a representation of Irish glacial geomorphological features at a scale of 1 to 50,000. The map shows categorised erratic carriage sources and sinks, subglacial lineations and striae, subglacial moraines, ice-marginal landforms and mountain glaciation corries and trimlines.

Data DownloadZip file
Map ViewerLink to viewer

 Quaternary Geomorphology

Web ServicesRest services

Quaternary Sediments

The Quaternary geology of Ireland – Sediments Map is a representation of the surficial geology of Ireland at a scale of 1 to 50,000. The map shows the sediments mapped within 1 metre of the surface which were laid down during the Quaternary, bedrock at or close to the surface water bodies or made ground. Quaternary sediments are categorised according to their genesis. The main types of sediment recognised are tills, (glacio)fluvio/lacustrine deposits, alluvium, lacustrine sediments and peat. Bedrock and karstified bedrock at or close to the surface are also mapped out as separate units.


Data Download

Zip File

Map Viewer

Link to viewer


 Quaternary Sediments

Web Services

Rest services

All Ireland Quaternary Map 500k (scale 1:500.000)

Coordinate System: Irish Transverse Mercator / ITM.

This is a joint GSI-GSNI project. The All-Ireland Quaternary geology map at 1:500,000 scale is an amalgamation of Quaternary maps from Ireland and Northern Ireland. Soil geochemistry and radiometric data from the Tellus and Tellus Border projects were used to subdivide undifferentiated till deposits in Northern Ireland to match the till types mapped in Ireland.  Merging data sets was achieved by statistical distribution matching. Data from the two surveys and the relevant literature were compiled, homogenized and simplified to produce a seamless data set comprising sixteen sediment types, four geomorphological features and the location of key sites with dated sediments.


IQUAD Quaternary Map Packages

Coordinate System: Irish Transverse Mercator / ITM

IQUAD 2014 (Lough Allen Area)Zip file
IQUAD 2015 (Cavan Lake District)Zip file
IQUAD 2016 (Counties Monaghan, Cavan, Longford, Leitrim and Roscommon)Zip file

3D Geological Models

Our 3D geological models are now accessible in an online viewer, which allows the models to be viewed and interrogated in a browser window with no software or zip file downloads. Google chrome is the most compatible browser. As of November 2020, the viewer displays four geological models (2 bedrock models: Dublin City and Lough Allen, 2 quaternary models: Dublin City and Cork City). these models were created directly by GSI or in collaboration with iCRAG . This viewer will be maintained and updated as new models are produced from GSI projects or collaborations.

Online ViewerLink to viewer
Demo videoLink to video
User manualPDF
