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Closed Calls

The following calls have been funded or co-funded by the Geological Survey. Any calls currently accepting applications can be found under Open calls.

GSI Short Call

Projects funded under the Short Call are less than 12/14 months duration and less than €25,000/€30,000. They are open to academic and non-academic institutes.

GSI Postdoctoral Fellowships

​GSI Postdoctoral Fellowships can be 2 or 3 years in duration and a maximum of €75,000. They must be based in an academic/research institute.

GSI Equipment Call

This call is for small equipment items and equipment/infrastructure upgrade. Funding of €5,000-€25,000 is available to purchase new equipment, or to upgrade existing equipment, for use in Earth and geoscience research.

GSI Masters by Research

In 2023 Geological Survey Ireland launched a new call for Scholarships for students wishing to undertake a Masters by Research (e.g. MSc, MEng, M. Ed.). Projects should aim to support the GSI programmes and/or use GSI datasets.

The call comprises a two stage process: and Expression of Interest and a Full Proposal stage. Full proposals can only be submitted once an Expression of Interest is submitted and the topic is deemed eligible. The Full proposal stage must be submitted by both a Lead Applicant (i.e. academic supervisor) and the named Scholar.

GSI Targeted Projects Calls

​The new call for targeted research proposals had topics focussed on identified knowledge gaps and projects should aim to use datasets produced and available from Geological Survey Ireland with defined outputs that are expected to inform policy and build capacity in current and emerging geoscience priority areas.

ALl projects are expected to support national and international policy, strategy and/or regulation.


​​Geological Survey Ireland provides funding for small scale research projects utilising IODP data.

Fulbright Awards (incoming & outgoing)

​The Geological Survey funds US based researchers to come to Ireland for one or two semesters to research and contribute to local curricula. Applications are via the US Fulbright online system. 
​The Geological Survey also funds Irish based researchers to travel to the US to undertake research activities. Applications are via the Irish Fulbright office.


​Science Foundation Ireland and the Geological Survey co-fund projects within the SFI Investigators and Frontier Programmes in the area of Earth Sciences. Applications are via the SFI online system. 


*IRC-GSI Enterprise Partnership Scheme
The Irish Research Council and the GEological Survey Ireland co-fund industry based postdoctoral fellowships in the area of Earthe Sciences. Applications are via the IRC onlines system.

*IRC-GSI Employment Based Programme
The Irish Research Council and the Geological Survey co-fund industry based MSc projects in the area of Earth Sciences. Applications are via the IRC online system.

*IRC-GSI Policy & Society
The Irish Research Council and the Geological Survey co-fund social science-physical science projects under the IRC Research for Policy and Society Call. Applications are via the IRC online system.


​The Environmental Protection Agency Ireland and Geological Survey Ireland co-fund projects in the area of water research. Applications are via the EPA online system.

Geothermica & CETP

​Geological Survey Ireland is a member of the EU-supported Geothermica ERA NET and the Clean Energy Transition Partnership. The networks support transnational research in the area of geothermal energy. Applications are via the Geothermica/CETP online systems.
GEOTHERMICA or Home | CETPartnership


​Geological Survey Ireland is a member of the EU-supported ERA MIN 2 ERA NET. The network supports international research in the area of minerals and raw materials. Applications are via the ERA MIN 2 online system.

iCRAG-GSI Env. Geosciences Postgraduate Programme

​The Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) and Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) are inviting potential postgraduate student supervisors to submit proposals to its new Environmental Geosciences Postgraduate Programme. In addition to the funding secured from SFI for five PhD projects, up to three additional projects will be funded by GSI].


​GSI has collaborated with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland to support geothermal research in Ireland. Funding is available through the SEAI RD&D prgoramme.

GSI Targeted Projects - Groundwater

GSI holds competitive calls for research in particular areas of applied geoscience - e.g. groundwater, minerals.

GSI Targeted Projects - construction materials

​GSI holds competitive calls for research in particular areas of applied geoscience - e.g. construction materials.

ESRL lab access & EPOS lab access

​These calls provides access and support for the Earth Surface Research Lab at Trinity College Dublin and the EPOS-NL call provide access and support to go to the Earth scientific research labs in the Netherlands.

Geological Survey Ireland Travel for Access & Lab. Analysis Grants 2024

This call aims to increase the impact of Geological Survey Ireland investments in facilities, archives and research equipment, Geological Survey Ireland launched a new call for Access and Lab Analysis Grants that aim to support:

1. researchers accessing Geological Survey Ireland, or Geological Survey Ireland funded, facilities/equipments/physical archives. For more details see Geological Survey Ireland funded equipment or Geological Survey Ireland facilities, 


2. travel costs or laboratory analysis costs for taught research MSc projects; these projects must be nominated by Geological Survey Ireland or approved in advance and must support Geological Survey Ireland programmes.