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Annual Irish Geoparks Forum 2020

Annual Irish Geoparks Forum 2020

Annual Irish Geoparks Forum 2020
12/11/2020 10:00
12/11/2020 13:00
Online - Register via EventBrite
Online-Register via EventBrite

To attend the Annual Irish Geoparks Forum, you must register at to receive the Zoom link.

How to attend:


​The Irish Committee for UNESCO Global Geoparks will host their annual forum online this year. 

Time: 10:00 to 13:00.

Date: 12 November 2020. 

The keynote speaker will be Kristin Ragnes, Co-ordinator of the European Geoparks Network. She will speak on the theme of Geoparks and Resilience. 

This will be followed by short talks by the Irish UNESCO Global Geoparks - Marble Arch Caves, Copper Coast, and Burren and Cliffs of Moher, and the aspiring geoparks, Antrim, Joyce Country & Western Lakes, and Mourne Gullion Strangford.   

This short forum may be of interest to anyone involved in geotourism, anyone who would like to learn about the activities of the Geoparks, or to people living in or close any of the Irish UNESCO Global Geoparks or future geoparks. 

Everyone is welcome but you must register at to receive a zoom link. 

The timetable is below, or it can be viewed as a pdf:

09.45 1. Access to the meeting
10.00-10.15 2. Welcome and introduction to the meeting

3. Welcome from Directors of Geological Survey Ireland and GSNI

a. Koen Verbruggen – Geological Survey Ireland

b. Marie Cowan – Geological Survey of Northern Ireland

10.30-11.00 4. Keynote speech – Kristin Ragnes, Co-ordinator of the European Geoparks Network, Member of the GGN Executive Board - 'Geoparks and Resilience'
11.00-11.15 5. Refreshment break

6. Updates from Existing UGGps

a. Burren and Cliffs of Moher UGGp

b. Copper Coast UGGp

c. Marble Arch Caves UGGp


7. Updates from Aspiring UGGps

a. Antrim Aspiring UGGp

b. Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark project

c. Mourne Gullion Strangford Aspiring UGGp

12.15-13.00 8. Q&A session
13.00 9. Meeting closes