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GSI Postdoctoral Fellowships

GSI PostDoctoral Fellowships 2018

GSI will fund Postdoctoral Fellowships for a maximum of two years, up to €75,000 per year. GSI fellows are expected to push the boundaries in their area of expertise. The theme for this call is;

The role of geoscience in addressing climate change and managing our natural resources
The aim of the Fellowships is to address key scientific questions, build capacity, increase research impact and strengthen geoscience research teams in Ireland. It is expected that the research outputs will be of use to the GSI, the wider research community and other relevant stakeholders.
Research Topics
GSI will support projects specifically related to the following areas:

  • Geothermal: De-risking exploration of the subsurface for geothermal heat /energy production
  • Tellus: Novel methods to understand and improve soil health (must include the use of Tellus data)
  • Tellus: The use of geoscience data to support mineral prospectively mapping (must use Tellus geophysics / geochemistry data)  
  • Marine geoscience: Modelling sea level change in Ireland
  • Groundwater: Assessing and understanding changes in groundwater quality/quantity
  • Geology: Modelling the Pre-Carboniferous basement of Ireland as a structural template and source of metals (GSI data and corestore holdings should be utilised)
  • Earth Observation: Novel use of satellite and remotely sensed data for geoscience mapping and monitoring
  • Minerals: The application of machine learning techniques in the mineral exploration
  • Palaeoclimate/climate: Use of geological materials in addressing climate change
  • Geohazards: Monitoring of groundwater or landslip processes affecting infrastructure; towards real time warning systems

Postdoctoral Fellowships Terms and Conditions, Submission Information, Templates and FAQs



Applicants must be hosted by Higher Education Institutes in the Republic of Ireland for the duration of the project.

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully as these will form the basis of contracts for successful applicants.

Key information

Funding available: Maximum €75,000 per year

Deadline for applications: 5pm, November 14th 2016

Submission: By email

Expected start date: Before June 1st 2017

Duration: 24 or 36 months

Research themes: see Terms and Conditions

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