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​​​Tellus Airborne Geophysical Survey Report 2017: GTK-FDEM system characteristics and applications

​​​Tellus Airborne Geophysical Survey Report 2017: GTK-FDEM system characteristics and applications

05 May 2017

Ture, M.D and Hodgson, J.A. (2017)

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The Tellus high-resolution three – in- one airborne survey (Magnetics, Electromagnetics and Radiometric) is a national airborne geophysical survey managed by the Geological Survey, Ireland. To date over 260,000 line km of electromagnetic data (both FDEM and TDEM) have been collected, although the majority of this data has been four frequencies (912, 3005, 11962 and 24510 hertz) FDEM data flown at a nominal survey altitude of 60 m. The data has been collected over an extensive area over variable geological conditions. This report describes the high resolution Tellus Frequency Domain Electromagnetic method (FDEM) including;
  • Providing background information and overview of instrumentation and its development,
  • Recording and describing the major technical specifications of the system and its calibrations,
  • Delivering necessary information on system characteristics, noise sources and how to assess the noise in the data,
  • Showing a comparison with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) result(s),
  • Examples of practical application of the method in hydrogeological/aquifer mapping.