Our natural resources (
Minerals & Aggregates) data are of particular use for developments and Plans at national and regional level. We would like to highlight the consideration of mineral resources and potential (aggregate) resources as a material asset which should be explicitly recognised within the environmental assessment process.
Geological Survey Ireland is of the view that the sustainable development of our natural resources should be an integral part of all development plans from a national to regional to local level to ensure that the materials required for our society are available when required.
We provide data, maps and interpretations on matters related to minerals, their use and their development in our
Minerals Programme section of the website.
Our Map Viewers enable you to view our data on:
We would recommend use of the Aggregate Potential Mapping viewer to identify areas of High to Very High source aggregate potential. In keeping with a sustainable approach we would recommend use of our data and mapping viewers to identify and ensure that natural resources used in any proposed Development or Plan are sustainably sourced from properly recognised and licensed facilities, and that consideration of future resource sterilisation is considered.