

National Landslide Mapping

Geological Survey Ireland has developed and maintains the National landslide database and National Landslide Susceptibility map. 

Landslides in Ireland

​Landslides occur all over the world and can cause major destruction and loss of life in extreme circumstances. Ireland is fortunate not to be in an extreme high risk to major geohazards. Indeed, in comparison to many other countries, Ireland may be regarded as a benign environment in terms of landslide hazard.​

Tsunami Hazard and Response

Historical records, current research and initiatives to better understand and respond to tsunami risk in Ireland.

Irish Landslides Working Group

​The Irish Landslides Group (ILWG) was established in early 2004 as a direct response to the landslides in the autumn of 2003. It was felt important that it should be a multi-disciplinary team, bringing together various types of expertise which are relevant to landslide studies.​

Irish National Seismic Network

​Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies operates and maintains the Irish National Seismic Network in co-operation with Geological Survey Ireland. The network comprises a series of seismometers installed across the country to detect and locate earthquakes in and near Ireland.