The 68th Irish Geoscience Research Meeting was held in Trinity College Dublin from Friday, 28 February to Sunday, 2 March 2025.
The event showcased some of the geoscience research currently happening across Ireland and over 250 students, researchers, and industry professionals were in attendance.
A number of Geological Survey Ireland staff presented on the research happening in the Survey, including the Tellus Programme, the GEMINI project, and the Research Programme at Geological Survey Ireland. As well as this, Geological Survey Ireland was mentioned in several presentations, as the project used Geological Survey Ireland data and maps or received funding. The Targeted Call project, EIRbSR, also presented their main achievements up to now.
A master student funded by Geological Survey Ireland, Tarig Mohamed, did a flash talk and won the second-best student poster award.
Two other master students funded by Geological Survey Ireland presented on their research. Leon Berry-Walshe presented on 'Using Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing to Monitor the Seismo-Acoustic Noisefield in Galway Bay' and Anna Morrison presented on 'A national survey of the Platinum Group Element abundance in the Irish lithospheric mantle.
The abstract booklet can be viewed here.
Image (above l-r, t-b): AnaMei Chan and Ray Scanlon, Geological Survey Ireland, Emma Chambers, DIAS, Hilde Koch, ESRL.
Image (above l-r, t-b): Leon Berry-Walshe, DIAS, Anna Morrison, TCD, Carlos Corella Santa Cruz, EIRbSr, Tarig Mohamed, TUD.