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New Article in Coastal Erosion from Space

New Article in Coastal Erosion from Space


Xavier Monteys from the Marine and Coastal Unit in Geological Survey Ireland and Yeray Castillo, a Geological Survey Ireland funded PhD candidate of Maynooth University are part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Coastal Erosion project. The scope of the ESA Coastal Erosion project is the development & demonstration of innovative Earth Observation products founding the basis for long-term exploitation of earth observation from satellites by large user communities. These applications aim to detect and track coastal erosion and accretion to inform coastal management plans. Xavier and Yeray have been working on a paper regarding ESA project application and their study site of Bull Island, Co. Dublin.   

The article "Assessment of Shoreline Change from SAR Satellite Imagery in Three Tidally Controlled Coastal Environments" has been published in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.

The paper is freely available online: HERE