INFOMAR 2024 - Evolution of a National Seabed Mapping Programme

Join us for the INFOMAR 2024 conference on November 28th at Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin. This event will explore the evolution of Ireland's National Seabed Mapping Programme including operational updates and panel discussions on marine data. With almost two decades of groundbreaking work, INFOMAR has positioned Ireland as a global leader in seabed mapping and provided vital data to support sectors such as offshore renewable energy, fisheries management, marine spatial planning, and environmental monitoring. This year’s conference will reflect on the programme’s impact, its comprehensive data and the ongoing/future requirements for data and outputs to inform policy.
We invite policy makers, researchers, and industry experts to share insights and discuss their needs as we consider the future of marine data and mapping in Ireland. This is a valuable opportunity to examine how INFOMAR’s extensive datasets have shaped various sectors and to explore the future requirements for managing Ireland's marine environment.
We look forward to your participation in what promises to be an engaging and insightful day of discussions. Please stay tuned for an updated agenda, which will include final timings and an exciting range of speakers.
Social Event: There will be a networking event nearby after the closing remarks. This will be a great opportunity to connect with other attendees and speakers and continue the conversation. Please let us know if you plan to attend during registration.
A Note on Transport: Parking is not available at the venue. However, the venue is well-served by bus routes, and the Grand Canal DART station is only a few minutes' walk away.
INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s Marine Resource) is a twenty-year programme to map the physical, chemical, and biological features of Ireland’s seabed. INFOMAR is funded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), and delivered by joint management partners Geological Survey Ireland and the Marine Institute.
Please click here to register at your earliest convenience