Open Calls

The SEAI launched their 2024 Research Development and Demonstration funding call.

The SEAI National Energy Research Development and Demonstration (RD&D) Funding Programme invests in innovative energy RD&D projects which contribute to Ireland's transition to a clean and secure energy future.

SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme Objectives are:
  • Support - support solutions that enable technical and other barriers to market uptake to be overcome
  • Grow - grow Ireland's national capacity to access, develop and apply international class RD&D
  • Inform - provide guidance and support to policy makers and public bodies
  • Accelerate - accelerate competitive energy-related products, processes and systems
What projects are eligible?
Accelerating transformative research to deliver Ireland’s clean energy and climate ambitions will require enhanced collaboration across a wide range of stakeholders and actors.
Diverse approaches and engaged research methods will be required, which may include multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research approaches.
The SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme welcomes research proposals from all research disciplines, as well as collaborative projects involving multiple organisations subject to alignment with the overall programme objectives.

There is a subsurface storage specific topic included in this years call: 
Topic 9 - Geological/subsurface storage for energy decarbonisation

There is also an Open Strand for any energy related topic. 

Application Submission Deadline
12 noon (Irish Standart Time) 13th June 2024

Please refer to SEAI website for more information and call documents consultation.

Fulbright Incoming to Ireland, 2024 call for applications

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards are grants for U.S. citizens to undertake research or lecturing in Ireland over a period of six to ten months. 

The application period for 2025-2026 U.S. Scholar Competition - GeoScience/Earth Science - is now open.

GSI is pleased to continue our partnership with Fulbright Ireland and announce the current call for incoming Scholars. The Fulbright-GSI awards offer travel and subsistence funding (this does not include salaries) for US based researchers to be hosted by an Irish geoscience institute to carry out research and develop trans-Atlantic partnerships. 

The award is primarily a research position. The researcher will be expected to undertake research relevant to, or on, Irish geoscience. They will be expected to build long term collaborations with Irish geoscience researchers (in universities and e.g. Geological Survey Ireland). 
The researcher will be expected to share their expertise with the Irish geoscience community, however this could be in the form of e.g. short courses, fieldtrips, workshops etc. (there is no requirement to teach full new or existing modules).

For any question and clarifications please see the Fulbright Commission website.


U.S. Scholar Awards applications is Monday, 16 September, 2024 (more information here).

SFI-GSI Frontiers for the Future Awards (2022 Call, submission in 2023)

The SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme provides funding for independent researchers through two streams – Frontiers for the Future Programme Projects and Frontiers for the Future Programme Awards:

  • Frontiers for the Future Projects provide funding for high-risk, high-reward research that facilitates highly innovative and novel approaches to research.
  • Frontiers for the Future Awards provide larger scale funding for innovative, collaborative and excellent research programmes that have the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.
SFI Frontiers for the Future Projects budgets are in the range of €200,000 - €600,000 in total direct costs and have a duration of 24, 36 or 48 months. SFI Frontiers for the Future Awards are in the range of €610,000 - €1,500,000 in total direct costs and have a duration of 48 or 60 months.

The co-funding partnership with the Geological Survey Ireland aims to support excellent scientific research that has potential economic and societal impact. The SFI-GSI Partnership applies to the geoscience topic areas listed below. Successful grants under these areas are expected to improve our understanding and/or management of Earth systems and natural resources.
  •  Raw materials 
  •  Soil health 
  •  Coastal Geoscience 
  •  Geohazards 
  • Geochemistry 
  • Geophysics 
  • Groundwater 
  • Earth observation 
  • Geotechnical engineering 
  • Application of machine learning/AI to geological datasets 
  • The geological climate record
  • Geothermal energy

For more information and application details please see the SFI website

SFI ran a Webinar which is a useful resource (primarily) for applicants and research offices. It comprises of an introduction to the programme and a summary of the application process to the current call, highlighting any changes from previous years.

It took place over ZOOM on Monday the 13th of February 2023 at 11:00 am Dublin. A record of the webinar is available on SFI website SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme. In case of any other questions you can refer to the updated FAQs.