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Mississippian Stratigraphy and facies evolution on the Galway-Roscommon shelf

Mississippian Stratigraphy and facies evolution on the Galway-Roscommon shelf


Geological Survey Ireland & UCD School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin, joint Poster presented at 63rd Irish Geology Research Meeting (IGRM) Athlone 2020. Authored by M. Pracht & I.D. Somerville.

Traditional geological maps need "stratigraphic" units in order to delineate e.g. groups, formations, etc. However, each "stratigraphic unit" consists of a variety of facies. The same facies can occur in different "stratigraphic units" A sequence stratigraphic approach compared to the traditional "stratigraphic" approach leads to a much more dynamic interpretation of the geology and geological evolution of a depositional environment.

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