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Groundwater Newsletter Issue 54 December 2016

Groundwater Newsletter Issue 54 December 2016

  • ​​​A few words on the contribution to Irish hydrogeology of Eugene Daly (1947-2014)
  • The origins of the IAH Irish Group’s annual conference
  • Managing OSWTS for drinking water protection
  • The Local Authority Waters and Communities Office—An Introduction
  • Hydrogeology in the Future – The next 40 years of IAH Ireland
  • Groundwater source protection terminology used in Ireland
  • New collaborative project on groundwater flooding commenced by GSI and TCD
  • The influence of bedrock hydrogeology on catchment-scale nitrate fate and transport in fractured aquifers
  • An investigation of thermal springs in Ireland: their provenance, pathways and geothermal potential
  • Environmental Flow Assessment for Irish Rivers

Download newsletter issue 54