

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tellus involves two types of surveying – airborne geophysical surveying using a low-flying aircraft and ground-based geochemical surveying of soil, stream water and stream sediment.

During 2021 the Tellus Survey aircraft flew in County Cork and neighbouring parts of Limerick, Waterford and Tipperary. In 2024 the plane is due to fly again. The Tellus soil sampling teams are currently in South East Ireland (the G10 Block),

Current ground survey area

The Tellus soil sampling survey did not take place during 2022.
Currently, the soil sampling teams are working in South East Ireland (G10 Block).

Current airborne survey area

The Tellus airborne survey did not take place during 2022 and 2023. Details for the 2024 survey season are due to be announced soon.

Mineral Prospectivity

​Geological Survey Ireland is developing mineral prospectivity mapping products to increase mineral exploration attractiveness and to de-risk mineral exploration activities in Ireland. The work is building​ on existing data and knowledge on mineral prospectivity in Ireland by integrating Tellus geochemical and geophysical data using state-of-the-art modelling techniques.

Terra Soil

​Terra Soil is a research collaboration between Geological Survey Ireland and Teag​asc​, focused on helping to improve the management of nutrients and trace elements in soil. 

Geochemically Appropriate Levels for Soil Recovery Facilities

​Geological Survey Ireland in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency has developed Geochemically Appropriate Levels (GALs) for Soil Recovery Facilities specifically in relation to metals and metalloids in uncontaminated soil and stone.


​Geological Survey Ireland is working with the Environmental Protection Agency and Trinity College Dublin on mapping geogenic radon risk.