Airborne Survey

Airborne Survey

​​​Tellus employs a low-flying aircraft to collect geophysical information on the properties of soils, rocks and waters below ground. Flying at 60 m, the aircraft is able to sense geological properties not apparent from conventional mapping techniques, effectively ‘seeing through’ Ireland’s often deep glacial deposits and extensive peat and soil cover. This method of acquisition is the most rapid and cost-effective means of acquiring regional-scale geophysical data for supporting geological mapping, mineral exploration, radon risk mapping and geothermal energy exploration.



After the successful completion of the county Galway in 2016 the airborne survey is due to fly Co. Mayo and Western Donegal from spring till autumn 2017. This survey follows on from the successful Eastern Ireland survey, Tellus Border and North Midlands surveys. ** Results of these surveys are available to view and download free of charge on our data page.**

The survey aircraft

The aircraft is a de Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter plane operated by the specialist survey company, Sander Geophysics Ltd, based in Canada. The white, twin propeller plane has a red tail, black stripe, and registration number C-GSGF.
The aircraft is equipped with three geophysical instruments which measure the magnetism, radioactivity and conductivity of the Earth below. It undertakes measurements as it flies at a speed of approximately 130 mph (approx. 216km/h).
The aircraft flies at 60 m (196 ft.) above ground level, which is approximately 8 times the height of a two-storey house. Survey lines are flown at a spacing of 200 m. When the aircraft is flying at survey height it's sound is similar to that of a passing lorry.