What is MICA?

Minerals Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA) is an EU funded project that collects, stores and makes raw materials information available in the most useful way possible. To do this the project brings together experts from many disciplines including geology, recycling, computer science and international policy.

MICA's aim is to help decision makers better navigate the subject of mineral raw materials. MICA will be providing information related to mineral raw materials so that data is organised, checked for quality and made easily available; tools and intelligence methods, used to understand the data and address supply, demand, economic, environmental, social and policy issues are accessible in a single place – on the MICA website. For example, it will assist the EU in improving conditions for sustainable access to and supply of mineral raw materials by gathering data such as current uses and availability, and linking that data with projected future uses and availability.

This is increasingly important as new and emerging technologies require previously un-used and different mineral raw materials for their manufacture.


How does GSI contribute?

GSI has provided expertise to the MICA project in the modelling of mineral deposits, estimating the size and quality of mineral deposits, the economic evaluation of mineral deposits and mineral exploration. GSI has also contributed its expertise to creating new standards for the presentation of minerals raw material data within Europe.

MICA official website​