The GeoERA MUSE (Managing Urban Shallow geothermal Energy) project is investigating resources and possible conflicts of use associated with the use of shallow geothermal energy in European urban areas. ​

The project involves 16 partners across Europe, 6 work packages and 13 pilot areas for investigation.

Work Packages (WP)

WP1: project management, internal communication and general dissemination

WP2: Technical aspects of shallow geothermal energy use in urban areas

WP3: Management strategies and action plans for a sustainable and efficient use of shallow geothermal energy

WP4: Testing and implementation of developed methods and workflows in urban pilot areas across Europe

WP5: Information systems, targeted communication and stakeholder interaction

WP6: Cross-cutting issues and capitalising on knowledge inside GeoERA

Pilot Areas

The chosen pilot area for Ireland is Cork City as it has a long history of ground source heat use, and more readily available data than other parts of Ireland.


As a project partner, Geological Survey Ireland is mainly contributing to WP4 with the following specific objectives:

  • Test and implement developed assessment and mapping methods for shallow geothermal energy (SGE) resources (derived from WP2) and case studies for open- and closed-loop systems.
  • Test and implement developed joint methods for assessing conflicts of use associated with SGE (derived from WP2)
  • Assess and evaluate existing regulation measures and application of the developed methods and management concepts (derived from WP3) for SGE.
  • Produce spatial output datasets in the pilot areas.

Geological Survey Ireland will also deliver:

  • A fact sheet for the pilot area including the main findings of MUSE - see below
  • A summary report about the outcomes in the pilot area
  • Datasets for web presentation of the selected pilot area - see online viewer below