Quaternary 3D Models

Quaternary 3D Models

​​​Quaternary 3D models of Dublin and Cork

Version 1 (2016)

3D models of the Quaternary in Dublin City and Cork City are now available to download for free in two different formats:

  • Subsurface viewer format. They are created using the software  "Subsurface Viewer". It is a Geological Information System (GIS) especially designed for the visualization and analysis of the near-surface geology,
  • 3D pdf format

To access the subsurface viewer format of the 3D models do the following:
  • Download the Zip file of Dublin or Cork, depending on the model you want to see. The Zip file contains the .SVP file which is the 3D model, a brief explanation of the Quaternary geology of the model and instructions of how to query the model by doing synthetic boreholes and cross section:

              - Dublin City Zip file (18.5Mb)
              - Cork City Zip file (12.8Mb)


  • Contact Beatriz Mozo at beatriz.mozo@gsi.ie to request for free the subsurface Viewer Reader and its manual. 
  • ​Install, open the Subsurface Viewer Reader and load the .SVP file you want to see (Cork or Dublin).
To download the 3D Pdf  format of the 3D models, click on the links below:

  •  Dublin City, click here (zip file, 8.8Mb)

  •  Cork City, click here (zip file, 7.6Mb)

If you have any query, please contact Beatriz Mozo at beatriz.mozo@gsi.ie, tel 01-678 2795.​