Bedrock 3D Models

​Bedrock 3D model of Dublin

Version 1 (2016)

A 3D model of bedrock in the Dublin ‘geourban’ area is now available to download for free. The model was created using Paradigm’s SKUA-GOCAD version 2011.3 software.


The model is available to download in the following formats:

  • To download the SKUA-GOCAD project click here (Zip file, 167Mb)
  • To download a 3D PDF of the model click here (Zip file, 28Mb)

For a free 3D visualization of the model you can download the Geoscience Analyst software by Mira Geoscience.


If you have any query, please contact Beatriz Mozo at , tel 01-678 2795.