Drifting Apart

Drifting Apart

Cavan Burren - Part of the Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geopark.


Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme

This 3 year project, completed in April 2018, supported existing and aspiring UNESCO Global Geoparks in the northern peripheries and arctic area by exploring its interconnected geological heritage and the many links to natural, built and cultural heritage. This was achieved through new technologies in geological interpretation and public outreach, such as virtual reality to promote remote areas. It also demonstrated best practice in governance and management models, and supported geo-education for schools, businesses and community groups in rural areas. A shared transnational geological trail formed a basis for tourism, education and economic and social development opportunities. GSI's contribution has helped develop geoeducational interpretation in the Marble Arch Caves UNESCO Global Geopark, (now the Cuilcagh Lakelands UNESCO Global Geopark,) particularly in its Cavan geosites.

Visit the Drifting Apart​ project website.