

The Geoheritage Programme has responsibility for the protection and promotion of sites of geological importance. Ireland has a long and interesting geological history which has given us a great diversity of rock types and land forms for a country of its size. The geology has shaped the way we live and continues to contribute to our economic, cultural and societal development. We care for this important aspect of our heritage through the identification of sites as County Geological Sites (CGS) and their conservation and protection under the guidelines adopted by ProGEO, the European Association of the Conservation of Geological Heritage.

County Geological Heritage Audits are carried out in partnership with the Heritage Council and local authorities; County Geological Sites are identified for inclusion in County Development and Heritage Plans, and the most significant County Geological Sites are recommended to the National Parks and Wildlife Service for potential future designation as Natural Heritage Areas. We work with local authorities and community groups on the development of Geotourism products and in particular on the establishment and support of UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Our other activities include promotion of UNESCO Global Geoparks and other geotourism projects, and engagement with the public through cultural, tourism and heritage events throughout the country.

County Geological Heritage Audits

County geological heritage audits are carried out in association with the Local Authority and the Heritage Council. Twenty three counties (including the four Dublin local authority areas) and Galway City local authority area are now completed and the data and reports are available.

Sites are assessed on their own merits under each thematic network. Sites are appraised, and if approrite are classified as 'County Geological Sites' (CGS), as recognised in the National Heritage Plan (2002). This enables their integration into county development plans. Some CGS are selected or recommended for NHA designation.

UNESCO Global Geoparks

Geological Survey Ireland is a partner in the three UNESCO Global Geoparks in Ireland - Copper Coast in Waterford, Burren and Cliffs of Moher in Clare, and Cuilcagh Lakelands in Cavan and Fermanagh. We also assist aspiring Geoparks by providing advice and support at the strategic planning, development, pre-application and UNESCO Global Geopark application stages. We are currently assisting the Joyce Country and Western Lakes Aspiring Geopark.


Geotourism is now part of County and Heritage plans of many local authorities as they realise the value of promoting our geological history, our diversity of physical features and the relationship between these and human development. At Geological Survey Ireland, we can provide advice and technical information to all local authorities or community groups wishing to develop geotourism products.

County Geological Site (CGS) of the Month

​Every month, we share a County Geological Site, to promote and highlight the amazing geodiversity that is the geological heritage of Ireland.

Keep an eye on our updates to see if your county will be featured next!