Short Call 2015

​Below is a list of funded projects in the area of Geohazards under the 2015 GSI Short Call​

Lead Applicant: Dr Paul Doherty

Host: Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions

Project Title: Analysis and monitoring strategy of Irish landslides.

Project Description: Over the past decade landslides have received increasing attention due to a number of high profile slope failures. This project aims to extend the previous work conducted by the GSI by undertaking detailed statistical interrogation of the existing landslide database records. The most frequent landslide categories will be determined and the mechanisms linked to the landslide characteristics, including rainfall thresholds.


Lead Applicant: Dr Pierre Arroucau

Host: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

Project Title: Natural, man-made and induced seismicity of Ireland: discrimination and hazard

Project Description: This project will develop new tools for the detection and location of seismic events in Ireland and for discrimination between natural earhquakes and man-made events, such as quarry blasts. It will produce a new database of Irish seismicity, to be disseminated through the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN) website.


Lead Applicant: Dr Colman Gallagher

Host: University College Dublin

Project Title: Quantifying coastal evolution along Donegal Bay system using remote sensing approaches

Project Description: This project examines the impacts of changing sediment supply, rising sea level and climate change on coastal dune stability, determining relationships between shoreline change rates, beach/dune morphodynamics and near-shore/offshore sediment availability and pathways in Donegal Bay. The research pilots the possible development of an integrated national-scale model of coastal change.


Lead Applicant: Dr Mary Bourke

Host: Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: Investigation of Ireland's coastal platforms: location, type and coastal protection

Project Description: Shore platforms are a significant component of Ireland's coastal systems and have the potential to buffer coasts from storm wave hazards. This project will map the distribution of shore platforms and conduct a pilot study to investigate the role that platforms have in the effective attenuation of wave energy.


Lead Applicant: Dr Mary Bourke

Host: Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: Innovative approaches to identifying and mapping coastal landslides

Project Description: Landslide data bases are required for the assessment of susceptibility and understanding of risk. Landslide inventories are a time- and resource-intensive activity. This project will explore the use of machine learning algorithms and drone technology to enable a more accurate mapping and inventory-building capability for coastal landslides.