The Tellus programme is pleased to release new merged Caesium137 (Cs137) data for all data sets collected up until the end of 2021 and revised electromagnetic (EM) datasets for 6 survey blocks, which have been reprocessed to bring them in line with the most recent survey data.
Cs137 data now covers over 80% of the Island of Ireland with data merged from airborne radiometric surveys collected between 2005 and 2021. Data have been temporal corrected to 2021 and clipped to both the coastline and where survey altitudes exceed 100 mOD. The data highlights Cs137 levels in the soils with elevated levels consistent with those associated with deposition following the Chernobyl incident in 1986.
View the geophysical report here. The data can be found on our Data & Maps page here.
New EM data have been re-released for the Tellus Border (TB), Waterford (WFD), A1, A2, A3 and A4 blocks and include:
i) Revision of the baselines and long-wavelength levelling of the EM response data channels.
ii) Revision of all resistivity models.
iii) The provision of a new powerline-monitor data channel.
The data is available here.