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A Multi-Supplier Framework for the Provision of Groundwater Monitoring Borehole Drilling Works for CatchmentCARE Project

A Multi-Supplier Framework for the Provision of Groundwater Monitoring Borehole Drilling Works for CatchmentCARE Project


​Geological Survey Ireland is seeking to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of groundwater monitoring borehole drilling works for the CatchmentCARE project.

Contractors appointed to the Framework will provide groundwater monitoring well drilling and associated well cleaning works for up to 50 groundwater monitoring boreholes in the border counties in Northern Ireland and Ireland. Works will be focused in three main catchments: River Blackwater, River Arney and River Finn.

Details of the Request for Tender on eTenders website for Ireland and eTenderNI website for Northern Ireland. Response deadline Wednesday 12 February 2020, 12:00 (Irish Time)

Information about CatchmentCARE project.