The Geo-Energy Europe (GEE) metacluster brings together the European know-how, technologies and experience in geo-energy, with an emphasis on its SMEs' offer and a focus on deep geothermal energy. GEE currently represents over 600 members, including 300+ SMEs, from 23 EU countries, and covers the entire deep geothermal value chain. GEE is funded under the European Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) programme. Its two major objectives are to;
(1) build a transnational cluster on geo-energy and;
(2) help European SMEs internationalize on the world deep geothermal energy markets.
GEE involves nine partners from 8 EU and COSME participating countries:
- POLE AVENIA and GEODEEP in France,
- EGEC in Belgium,
- Geoplat in Spain,
- GeoEnergy Celle in Germany,
- CAPES in Hungary,
- JESDER in Turkey,
- COSVIG in Italy
- and Geoscience Ireland (project coordinator).
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