The next UCD School of Earth Sciences seminar will take place online and will be delivered by Prof Kim Cobb on the following topic: 'Corals and climate change - from impacts and solutions'.
Abstract: The global-scale coral bleaching and mortality event that took place in 2016 brought into sharp relief the near-term impacts of continued ocean warming on global reefs. In this talk, Kim Cobb will use a large database of coral paleoclimate records to probe the history of ocean temperature extremes, from the pre-industrial to modern period. In doing so, she will place the 2016 global-scale coral bleaching and mortally event in a longer-term context, and discuss their implications for future climate trends and extremes. The recent spate of climate change-related extremes provides a backdrop for Dr Cobb's reflection on her own journey as a climate scientist, the lessons it holds for shaping a sustainable and equitable climate future, and how science can and must evolve to meet the most pressing challenges of the 21st century.
You can follow the links and find out more of Kim's research and Kim's experience