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National Heritage Week 2018

National Heritage Week 2018

Share a story, make a connection
18/08/2018 10:00
26/08/2018 17:00

Check the National Heritage Week website, for specific location of events.

How to attend:

The 2018 Heritage Week will run from the 18th to the 26th August and this year's theme is "Share a story, make a connection".

With millions of years of stories to share, Geological Survey Ireland will organise a number of events throughout the country. The programme is currently being prepared.

A number of geology themed events have already been listed on the National Heritage Week website to date. These are organised by heritage offices, tourist offices, geologists, iCRAG, Geoparks, IQUA, museums and associations. See the list here from the National Heritage Week website.

We've also compiled a list of events and exhibitions that we support or led by our staff. Download the list here ​​(PDF)