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Tellus Half Way There

Tellus Half Way There

Tellus - Half Way There
06/11/2017 09:30
06/11/2017 13:30
Geological Survey Ireland, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin D4 K7X4
Geological Survey Ireland

Registration is now closed. The event is fully booked.

How to attend:

​The event will present an overview of the survey to date and outline future plans of the Tellus Programme as it reaches the 50 % survey completion milestone. In addition, the event will also focus on the different applications of the data, which to date have been used by a wide range of stakeholders, including mineral exploration, environmental management, agriculture, human health and third level researchers. ​


09.00 Registration & Refreshments

09:30 Opening Remarks 

  • Koen Verbruggen, Director Geological Survey Ireland

 09:35 Tellus Update, Review & Future Plans    

  • Ray Scanlon, Head of Programme, Future Plans
  • Dr James Hodgson, Senior Geologist, Survey Operations & Findings 2015 - 2017     
  • Mairéad Glennon, Product Development Manager, Product Development

10.15 Questions & Answers – Panel Discussion   

10:30 Coffee Break

11.00  Tellus Data - Use and Applications 

  • Dr Jennifer McKinley, Queens University Belfast, Current and future potential use of Tellus data within the health Sector
  • Richard Turley, Geological Survey Ireland, Improving radon risk prediction from observations in water, earth and from the air  
  • Dr Julian Menuge, University College Dublin, Stream sediment geochemistry and the search for rare earth pegmatites in south Leinster
  • Russell Rogers, Geological Survey Ireland, Re-mapping Ireland's geology, based on Tellus geophysics
  • Dr Nancy Riggs, Fulbright US Scholar, Trinity College Dublin /Geological Survey Ireland, Using Tellus data to investigate tectonics in Connemara, South Mayo
  • Dr Duygu Kiyan, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Geophysics Imaging the Earth's near surface using the Tellus Airborne Electromagnetic Data

13:00 Closing Remarks and Lunch