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Walking among underwater landslide scars by Dr Aggeliki Georgiopoulou (UCD)

Walking among underwater landslide scars by Dr Aggeliki Georgiopoulou (UCD)

Walking among underwater landslide scars by Dr Aggeliki Georgiopoulou (UCD)
07/11/2018 17:30
07/11/2018 19:30
Lecture Theatre, Geological Survey Ireland, Beggars Bush, Dublin 4
Geological Survey Ireland

All welcome.

How to attend:

​The next IGA lecture will be an underwater geological exploration of landslides and tsunamis by Dr. Aggeliki 'Aggie' Georgiopoulou (UCD).

Abstract: Tsunamis can be caused by movements of large portions of submerged slopes, and geologists are now realising that underwater landslides are more common than once thought. Until now, we have been studying slope failures from research ships at the sea surface, several hundreds of metres above the landslide scarps themselves. Wouldn't it be better if we were able to walk up to a landslide scarp and study it the way we study a landslide on land? With the advent of deep-sea robots (remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)) that are equipped with high-definition cameras and robotic arms for sampling, we can now access and sample deep-sea scarps in ways never before considered. 'Walking' among underwater landslide scars is becoming a reality.

Talk between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm. Coffee and biscuits will be available from 5:30 pm.